Sunday, February 2, 2014

February 2, 2014

The weeks are flying by at breakneck speed as always.  I have been very busy getting all the year end accounting done for the church and with everything else going on I have not been taking any pictures :(  I have a few very bad ones I took on my phone (I really need to get a car camera, because I'm always seeing things I wish I could photograph but my camera is always at home!)  This morning during worship I saw a beautiful picture - there was a very black man reading his bible before the service started but what looked so neat was how his bible was glowing.  The light was focussed in just the right way to only light up his bible. We were sitting in the balcony looking down.  Wow!  A camera moment for sure!!

It was a special weekend for sure.  We went to a Conference at the huge Evangel Pentecostal Church - Breakforth LIVE!

The music and singing were awesome!!  We could have gone on forever!!

A new song we sang this weekend  - Brian can't wait to teach our church:

We were also inspired by the messages brought to us by Hans Weichbrodt - our brother from Sweden.  
So much wisdom to impart.

Then we went for lunch at Boston Pizza yesterday between sessions and there are these hearts all over the whole restaurant signed by patrons.... here is the one that was hanging directly above our table.
A message for me for sure, since this is what I struggle with the most in my Christian Walk.  
It even was my Graduation verse all those years ago!

Now we are back home once again and enjoying some rest and relaxation.  Reading and listening to music.  Tomorrow comes soon enough.

Here is a picture of Diago trying to figure out what to do with candle on the table.  He was so curious but too smart to get any closer!

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