Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Year End Piano Recital

Faith and her teacher, Miss Janna Olson, play a Concerto together:
Concerto Bravo -  Kevin Olson

Faith plays a solo - Pine Apple Rag - Scott Joplin

Let's try to play a Chopin piece on the Pipe Organ.

Or how about J.S. Bach on the Harpsichord.

Kings University College is a wonderful place to have a music recital - so many instruments to play on... 

Picture of the Day 06-28-11

Blooming Grass

Monday, June 27, 2011

Friday, June 24, 2011

Picture of the Day 06-24-11

Pictures of the Day 06-23-11

My favorite way to take pictures
is to get as close as I can!

Such detail!  Such beauty!  
I love taking that very close look and then
stay there for awhile.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Morning Solace 06-21-11

I was so excited to see the sun shining this morning.  Poor Brian, he wasn't even fully awake yet when I threw the bedroom curtains open and shouted - "The sun is shining - what a perfect way to start the summer!"

Faith and I went for our walk this morning and I noticed some daisies in the ditch across the road from our house.  So when we got back I got my camera and went for a short walk along the ditch... and look at the treasures I found!  So much beauty in such a small area.